Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science that aims to create it. AI textbooks define the field as "the study and design of intelligent agents" where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chances of success. John McCarthy, who coined the term in 1956 in organized the workshop at Dartmouth College . Defines, it as "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines." Where researches are interested in the field of automata theory, neural nets and study of intelligence proposed and adopted the name artificial intelligence for the field.
v In fact it is the different disciplines like philosophy, mathematics, economics, neuroscience, psychology, computer engineering, control theory and cybernetics and linguistics have contributed ideas, viewpoints and techniques to AI.
v It is Alan Turing who first proposed theory of computation.
v He proposed for the possibility of a computational machine that could behave in a way that could be perceived as intelligent.
v He developed a simple, universal and non numeric computing model which is capable of computing any computable function.
v Alan Twing (1936) is called the father of AI.
v Some of the diverse ideas / works that gave momentum to evolution of AI are listed below.
ü Allen’s theory of computation (1936)
ü Russel and whitehead’s principia mathematic
ü Wieners book on “cybernetics” (1948)
v AI has emerged as a separate field rather than a branch of other areas like mathematics operation research or decision theory.
v AI is the only field that laid emphasis on the methodology i.e. to build machines that can work in complex changing environment in an intelligent manner.
v Since 1956 researchers, industry people and scientists are succeeding in applying as in different areas like spacecrafts. Computer vision, media diagnosis, robotics, computer games, structural engineering, chemical and geological data analysis.
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